Tap Into Heaven with EFT and Energy Medicine

Gwenn Bonnell's Newsletter Archive

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping

The Mirror Exercise
How to attract more love into your life and boost your self-esteem with this powerful daily ritual.

Boost Your Metabolism with EFT
One of the high points of my EFT Weight Loss Workshop, for myself and the attendees, is using EFT to raise our metabolism.

EFT Nei Gong
Discover how a billion people stay healthy without spending money on drugs, doctors, or insurance! So easy, you can do it too!

Weather Hurricane Stress with EFT
ap away the stress that comes with living in “Hurricane Alley.” Even if you are not in a hurricane prone area, you can easily adapt this same process for your own private "hurricane."

Attain Personal Peace
Yes! It is possible to find and remove your worst mind and body stress, WITHOUT pills, years of therapy, or a lobotomy ;-)

EFT for Allergies
Clearing up two food allergies
for a young lad with EFT… in one tapping session!
Gary Craig remarks: In this case, Gwenn Bonnell works with an 11 year old child with extreme reactions to common adolescent food. "Around age 6 he was tested for allergies, and he tested very allergic to chicken and cane syrup. His mother had been able to control (somewhat) his exposure to and intake of these foods until recently, when he began going to parties on his own and indulging in cokes, etc. He would be up all night, and not able to go to school on Mondays after a busy social weekend."
Read the rest => EFT for Allergies

EFT Tapping Script to Stop Frustration from Blocking Your Success
Is the "Frustration Factor" stopping you from reaching your goal weight? Or from reaching ANY goal? How to use EFT Tapping to overcome the frustration that cheats 95% of people out of the success they deserve!

The Secret To Happiness: Setting Goals with EFT Tapping
Your ability to set goals is the secret of success. Learn to use EFT Tapping to release any blocks you have about setting - and achieving - exciting goals that lead to true happiness!

To Gamut or Not to Gamut?
Why use the Gamut Point? What does it address? When does it help to use it during EFT? You will be surprised at the power packed in this one point!


Become Bliss: Activate Your Body's Inner Joy with "Heaven Rushing In"
A simple way to get out of stress, activate your radiant energies and uplift your spirit, vitality and joy!

Do-It-Yourself Energy Alignment Part 1: The Four Thumps
This quick exercise that will help boost your immune system, stimulate all of your energies, and increase your strength and vitality.

WARNING: Doing the Four Thumps BEFORE an EFT session will clear up many energy reversals and make EFT even more effective!

HINT: Feel that slump in the mid-afternoon? Taking a minute or two to do the Four Thumps will be just as good as - or better - than a hit of caffeine!

Do-It-Yourself Energy Alignment Part 2: Center Your Aura. When your aura is strong and centered, it may fill up an entire room. You feel happy, full of life, and positively influence those around you.

Do-It-Yourself Energy Alignment Part 3: Protect & Strengthen Your Energies

Use the Zip Up and Hook Up at the end of ANY energy session (including EFT Tapping) to help the healing effects take hold and last longer!

Do-It-Yourself Energy Alignment: Open to inspiration with the Crown Pull. Refresh your mind, release stagnant energy and mental congestion, and even take away a stress headache.

NOTE: If doing energy work such as EFT leaves you with a headache, it could simply be that the moving energy got stuck in your crown chakra. A simple way to release this stagnant energy is with the Crown Pull!

Empower Your Children... And Yourself!
Does that voice in your head constantly criticize? Turn that inner critic into an inner coach – for yourself and for any child you interact with!

Feel Alive! Thrive with the Cross Crawl
Do you feel as if you are always low on energy?
Is it difficult to lose weight even when you exercise?
Can't seem to heal no matter what you try?
Or is the healing not holding?
Find it difficult to concentrate and learn new stuff?
Feel clumsy and uncoordinated?

The Cross Crawl and Homolateral Correction help you lose weight, boost your energy, improve your ability to heal, increase your mental comprehension AND increase your physical coordination.

Flush Out the Flu
Move toxins out of the muscles, clean the lymph system, and inject fresh energy through the whole body with the Spinal Flush.

Because this is so relaxing while removing stagnant energies, it is wonderful to share with a partner to get them out of stress - or when they feel as if they are coming down with a cold or other ailment. I love to share the Spinal Flush with my husband after he returns home from a plane trip!

© Copyright Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc., All Rights Reserved

Tap Into Heaven, Inc.
1550 SW 139 Ave, Davie, FL 33325 • 954-370-1552

While EFT and other Energy Therapies in this website have produced remarkable clinical results, they must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. This Website is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.

The information provided on this website is a good faith effort to expand the use of EFT and other energy therapies to the world. This web page represents the ideas of the Gwenn Bonnell and does not necessarily represent those of Gary Craig or EFT.